At St Ives Family Dental, we believe good oral hygiene in combination with a healthy, low-sugar diet to be a vital start to a lifetime of good teeth.
A home preventive care program linked to regular dental check-ups and fluoride is an ideal start. Careful regular brushing at home with early diagnosis of any developing dental issues is important. Fissure sealants on molar teeth, properly fitted mouthguards for sport, and early referral for specialist orthodontic care are routine services included in all dental visits.
Young adults require assessment for developing wisdom teeth, and if required, we can organise for specialist referral if removal is indicated.
Call us on 02 9440 8898 to schedule a paediatric care appointment for a lifetime of good teeth habits.
Address: 5 Memorial Avenue, St Ives, NSW, 2075
Parking available on-site
Phone: 02 9440 8898
Open every alternate Saturdays and by appointment only.